Welcome to Lightbane Publications. Most likely you're here following a link from a story you read by either D. River or Chris O'Guinn. Otherwise, you've stumbled across this through a strange quirk of Google.

Lightbane Publications is first and foremost the umbrella under which I publish my stories. Yes, D. River and Chris O'Guinn are the same person. Why bother with an alias that I'm not even trying to keep a secret?

The answer lies in the medium I am publishing in. I focus entirely on E-Books. In the wide and wonderful world of the Internet, people will search for my stories by my name and I want to be sure they get what they are expecting.

D. River is the name I use to publish all of my adult-oriented material. Chris is my real name and the one I use for my Young Adult novels. I don't want people looking for erotica grabbing a YA novel and feeling cheated, and I definitely don't want a YA reader stumbling across my erotica thinking it too is a G-rated story.

So, there's no deception involved. It's just something to make it easier for my readers to find what they want. I mention Chris in D. River's bio, even, as a way to make it clear it's sort of a joke.

Coming soon!
Read the bestseller by D. River!
Enjoy Chris O'Guinn's bestselling Fearless